Sunday, March 05, 2006

I love meat

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Meat is a beautiful thing. I was raised in a family that was knowledgable on how to eat really good, that is eat good food, and meat was essential. As the Lent season was approaching I was racking my brain for something to give up, as if it is hard. I think it is more of strategizing to give up something, but not something too precious. So I was hanging out with my good friiend, trendy Scott, and he mentioned that he was going to give up meat. I said, "Lets journey together with this."

For some this is really easy. But for me, it has been an interesting path of loss. Meat has always been essential for every meal. It really is a change in lifestyle, and it is a journey filled with moments emptiness, but that is the point.

Even in the simple practices of eating meals, I have realized that I search for fillment in the contents that are given and prepared... normally, meat completes the meal, and completes me. I am reminded of when God provided manna (bread) and quail (meat) and gave specific instructions of how much to take and when to take. There were a few that tried to take more than what was required, and the food got infested with worms. Man does not live on bread alone, but on the very Word of God. Satisfaction comes from God, not meat, not bread, and giving up things for Lent brings me near to God b/c I am stripped of this one thing, and in the sacrifice of that I seek to be alive by God.

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