Tuesday, May 24, 2005

get your own food

Lately I have been thinking about what people say about church. Usually when people think about church it is one hour gathering that happens once a week. I am tired of people saying that the teaching is not deep enough. Even in youth groups, teenagers are saying that they NEED something deeper.

It is interesting, however, that I found the opposite discussion between church leaders and the congregation in the letter to the Hebrews. It is opposite, yet the same. They were living off of the surface teachings, the basics, but did not know what was right and how to live in obedience. They were satisfied with religion, not life change in themselves or in others.

How many times do we go to church and complain we NEED something deeper, but in all actuality, what was being taught we never obeyed or taught others. The truth is we are hungry (which is good), but we are too lazy to feed ourselves. We need someone else to do it for us…once a week.

Imagine a child who gets fed by the parents once a week. Is that a healthy baby? Now imagine that same child ten years later still being fed by the parents only once a week. Not only is that person unhealthy, but they are weird!


Ash Sinniger said...

Congrats Smitty!!! i figured that i would give you a comment, cuz your awesome and havent gotten any... ttyl have a great weekend

ash singer

Anonymous said...

Smitty, I realize that we weren't exactly close when you were at lcbc, and I'm sorry. I just never really felt a connection with you, you never seemed to be open to talking with me. I'm gonna wish you the best of luck with Mike and I hope you have a great life.
In christs name.