Sunday, March 04, 2007

::| rumpert |::

We had to run a quick errand around the corner to my in laws on Saturday. So all three of us, Gina, Rumpert (our dog), and I, drove over. While I drive Rumpert often times will sit on my gut nestled in my arms at the same time enjoying the wind and view outside. Saturday, as many may know, was an exceptionally nice day for March, so Rumpert was more than happy sitting in his usual spot with my window wound all the way down.

Well, my dog proved his toughness for which I am proud of because now we know our choice not to get him neutered was a good one! Going 30 mph Rumpert decides to leap from my arms onto the back road that led to his grandmother's house. Immediately I thought our young dog was dead. I quickly look in my mirror to see Rumpert tumbling and flopping all over the road only to spring up and walk off to play in the nearest yard.

I have realized the following:
1. Rumpert, though a made up name by me, is now synonymous with TOUGH
2. Getting your pet neutered is over rated and I would say bad advice. Think of what could have happened if Rumpert lost his manhood, his toughness. It would have been a sad, sad day for Gina and I, and a loss of $175.
3. Lassie is not all that impressive anymore.
4. Maybe I could make millions with my dog???
5. If my dog can jump from a moving vehicle could I?
6. The spiked collar was also worth the $5, it brought out the potential he was storing inside as a little dog

In summary...
A small puppy, $175. Not getting him neutered, $0. A spiked collar, $5. Watching him strut away from jumping out of a speeding vehicle, PRICELESS!

I took this line from Mastercard and in no way promoting getting in dept through credit card services or am I plagiarizing.



Anonymous said...

I'm glad Rumbert is ok, what a story!

chris horton said...

Thats a funny story.I can answer one of your can jump from the car as it moves,it's lots of fun,just be sure to film it so we can all watch later!!!