This passage from the Sermon on the Mount immediately raised several questions. These motivate some thoughts and interpretation. Therefore, the questions I had concerning this passage will help form a framework in which we can interpret and apply this passage.
First question, what are the treasures in heaven? I hate to admit this, but my first thought is that some think that storing up treasures in heaven means converting your unsaved friends so that they will be in heaven with you. This is probably not what Jesus was getting at. So, what was he getting at? Are the treasures in heaven peace, love, and joy? Are they tangible or abstract? It is possible that the mystery of the treasure is intentional, and the main message Jesus is communicating is that the treasures on earth do not compare. Do not waste time and energy with “earthly treasure.” Even further, it is possible that this is a play on word. Treasure only exists in the context of heaven; treasure anywhere else is a burden. Finally, it is Jesus’ ultimate hope that we long to have heaven on earth, that is where he wants our heart.
Second question, is storing up treasures directly related to what we look at? I think Jesus inserted this message about the eye being the source of light or dark in a person b/c that is where the battle starts. We are not to covet. We find what we look for, and what we find is a revelation of what is within us. Remember, the kingdom of God is something we cannot see or touch. It is within us.
Final Question, is it possible to love money and hate God? On the surface one might think this is not worth discussing. However, Jesus is alluding to the fact that people hate God. I know there are people who do not believe in God, who do not like God, and who choose not to follow God, but are there people who come out and say, “I hate God.” I have not met anyone, in the right state of mind, that admits to hating God. In today’s culture with several religions neighboring with each other, it is not politically correct to say that you hate God. While we may not say it, we express our true feelings to God all the time by serving that thing that our heart most desires. Jesus says we cannot serve two masters. We cannot have more than one desire of the heart. We cannot have both light and darkness occupy the same space.
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